“What I have come to know may not be universal knowledge, if there is any such thing, but it is my knowledge–and that is more than enough to kindle my growing and the growth of others as well.”
So I’ve officially completed my class on “Tools of the Digital Age” which launched me into this blog… (I did get an “A”, so I must have done something right!)… and while I initially thought that I would just stand this thing up for the class and then never have time or inclination to really commit to doing it once I got my grade, I am finding just the opposite. This blog seems to be “kindling my growing…” and now I find myself filling up this page like it is my very own repository for the musings previously housed solely between my ears.
Through my week, I look with fresh eyes at a newspaper headline, at the regular flow of my daily schedule, or even just at a wide blue sky, and wonder if there is some random blog post that can be excavated from the experience. I have begun to think of myself as more an architect of the world around me rather than just a consumer of that life.
I feel more attuned or plugged into listening and watching… I am hushed and ready to catch a glimpse of the spirit… but then when I do, I want to share with others, not because I think I’m so clever, but instead because I can’t believe I didn’t see this before!
Like Sister Joan, I do not think that my offering here is not already told many times over in the “blogosphere”. I’ve been told there are literally millions of blogs out there, all with their own story of universal knowledge. But in this space… this is my telling. These posts are my knowledge that I am taking ownership of and releasing outward… “and that is more than enough to kindle my growing and hopefully the growth of others as well.”
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